Transcending the Virtual
Barry gave a workshop for South African Alexander teachers who are members of SASTAT at the end of May 2021. The workshop entitled Transcending the Virtual was well attended and feedback was very positive.
Here is a review by Pat-Tricia Orner-Oliver, published in the SASTAT Newsletter for June 2021:
Stop, right now.
Look at some thing in the room.
Notice it over there ……it has weight and balance ….over there
….as you, yourself, have weight and balance, sitting here.Stop. Take time….
And now, pay attention to other things in the room….
And to yourself again….What was that like—what did you notice?
Sitting here now, I feel grounded and enlivened; my attention has expanded, and my room has grown somehow bigger. I feel more calm and centred. Ready for……..
Were you there too – at Barry Kantor’s workshop? Do you remember
what it was like to follow the hand and arm movements of another
person; and to be mirrored yourself?I still remind myself daily that “there’s time; I have time”. In my own Zoom space that evening in Barry’s workshop I savoured the task of washing dishes! How was your time? Did you go deeper?
If you weren’t there, you missed one of our highly professional, very experienced elders embodying the Alexander Technique principles, and in turn, animating them in us—over Zoom, moreover! Maybe he’ll give us another workshop?
Training course
Barry is now on the faculty of Peter Nobes’ London-based training, regularly teaching students who are training to become teachers, in online training sessions. For more information about the training, and whether it is something for you, please contact me or visit Peter’s website.
Summer school London 2020
Barry helped facilitate the Zen for our time summer school for trainees in August 2020, along with Peter Nobes and Penny O’Connor, pictured right.
A variety of exercises, games, and experiments were enjoyed by the participants. In addition, trainees learnt a substantive amount on the implications of our left and right brain hemispheres for our functioning, as well on the validation about the value of our Alexander work from recent discoveries in neuroscience.
Workshop for psychotherapists,16 November 2019
Barry facilitated a workshop for a specific group of psychotherapists who use Focusing, a specific psychotherapy approach originated by Eugene Gendlin.
The group were introduced to the Alexander Technique from the perspective of the Process Model as described by Gendlin. This is an alternate Model for thinking which recognises limitations in the ubiquitous Unit Model by which everything is reduced to parts, and though essential to mathematics and science, excludes the subjectivity of experience, and treats nature and workers in terms of sell-able units.
Through Alexander Technique experiments, participants were led through a process of discovery to identify the universal truths behind the Alexander Technique.
By dipping into the Process Model it became possible deliberately to cross Focusing with the Alexander Technique. The group were able to identify the correlates and differences between these two approaches, and to see how they can work back to back in supporting the growth of the individual. Comparisons with Zen, Tao, meditation, as other examples of Process Models, were evident.
The group all felt markedly changed by the end of the workshop, sensing profound wholeness and unity, spaciousness and stillness. A follow-up meeting has been proposed for 2020.
Teaching on training school in London in February 2019
Barry has again been engaged as a visiting expert on an Alexander Technique training course in London.
Barry will visit London in February where he will show students some of the finer aspects of teaching the Technique, where students are in training to become
Alexander Technique teachers. Barry finds it inspiring working with students in training, and frequently visits them, where he feels fulfilled and appreciated for the work he has been refining for 24 years.
Contact Barry should you be in London and wish to visit the training school on Saturday 9th February 2019, when the school is open to visitors who wish to know more about the Technique and are willing to work with supervised students.
Workshop for Alexander Technique teachers, 18th August 2018
Barry was invited to give a workshop as part of SASTAT’s annual Alexander Technique Teachers Conference. The workshop was well recieved and covered the following:
- Experiencing the five senses
- The sixth sense –
- Maintaining a unified field of attention, through clear perception
- Experimenting with the presence of mind not to do
- Discovering that non-doing cultivates acceptance
- Outcome: maintaining a unified field of attention, with non-doing, fosters compassion and love
- Conclusion: love is within our conscious control
Comments from participating teachers:
“Barry shows mastery. He is a hidden jewel in our midst.”
“Thanks so much for the wonderful workshop. It was not at all what I expected, it was fun and challenging in a good way, and very useful to me.”
“I enjoyed your workshop. I learnt a lot from it. It was innovative.”
“Like a breath of fresh air.”
“I very much appreciated the workshop and the concepts behind it.”
“I loved being a part of your workshop, Barry. Thank you for expanding my understanding of the work and making it that much clearer.”
“I wouldn’t mind to repeat it sometime.”
“It helped me feel softer and more open, and reaffirmed all the good things I hold dear about the Alexander Technique.”
“Thank you greatly Barry for your lovely, well-paced, intelligent, practical and challenging Workshop.”
“Brilliant Leadership!”